About Us Impetus

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About Us Impetus

We are an entrepreneur training and coaching company. Entrepreneurs starts the business with passion, enthusiasm and with lot of hard work bring the business one level. Then they need scaling-up skills. Unfortunately, they do not have time, patience, piece of mind or habit of reading to acquire these skills. We at Impetus help them to acquire these skills in the simplest and most implementable form so they can focus on their core business and learn theses skills.




Core Ideology

Impetus Core Purpose
"Help entrepreneurs to acquire professional leadership skills to develop mindset and capabilities to build the next level organisation"
Impetus Core Values

★ Simplicity

★ Transparency

★ Honoring Commitment

★ Focused Efforts

Impetus BHAG

To be No-1 in the mind and hearts of Students/Entrepreneurs who values knowledge, depth, and simplicity.

Our Trainer

World most complex and complicated knowledge explained in most simplest way

Complete Project

We can help you in different situations

≫ Leadership Impetus

≫ Organisation Impetus

≫ Relationship Impetus

≫ Entrepreneur Mindset Impetus

Not everybody is fortunate to choose their passion as their profession. However, I consider myself lucky to be one such individual. When you choose your passion as profession, work becomes play and vice versa. I am a student for life, learning for me will never cease as I believe it is an ongoing process and an integral element for one's personal as well as professional growth. I wish to commit my life and learnings for the betterment and benefit of people at large. I seek my knowledge from life and its experience. These very experiences change into ideas and solutions I pass on to Indian.
Entrepreneurs, leaders and knowledge seekers in easy to understand and be able to implement in simplest form, who otherwise do not have time, attitude or patience to acquire it. My programs are designed and executed in a manner most simple and lucid to understand and have an instant connect with my students. I believe in simple, in-depth and solution based training programs. I take pride in the fact that my association with my students has only grown stronger with the passage of time. I ensure that every time a student attends my program, there is something new to take back home.
Trainer Resume